Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Whole Beast: Nose to Tail Eating

Now I ain't boasting, but I consider myself fairly innovative in the kitchen. One of my achievements is making a pretty decent meal out of instant mee-goreng, brocolli, olive oil, and cold roast beef. But I got nothing on this guy. He makes his meals out of pig blood, herring semen, and lambs' brains... eww... and people pay good money to eat it too!

Apparently he is hailed as one of the most innovative, yet traditional, chefs, and all power to him as he makes piles of dough from people eating his food in his London restaurant, St. John.

Apparently, no-one told him that the Chinese have already bet him to it. I'm *pretty* sure the Chinese eat anything and everything... haha

Check this book out at and order it if you like. Would make a nice gift for the mum who always tells you not to waste food. Give her some herring semen and see what she says then :D

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