I've always wondered what other sorts of leather would fully achieve its potential on a pair of sneakers. Snake and crocodile skins are familiar sights to most sneaker heads. Then again, there are also the common high grades of ostrich or pig skins that are frequently seen on most limited edition kicks. However, it had never crossed my mind that python skin would be at all appropriate for a pair of sneakers, especially when they are more often used in the high-end fashion industry. Heppler, however, proves this conception truly wrong by breaking that boundary.
Here is an explosive and first time co-creation with Clarks Footwear, Concepts and Soldier Design. All taken place in the backyards of Boston, Massachusetts. They co-created a surprising Wallabee with authentic python belly skin up the front and python skin from the snake’s tail on the heel. "It was quite a process to work with the tanneries overseas to achieve harmony between the desired python colour gradient and unique cracked-leather outer. Ultimately we think it achieved a classy and exotic ensemble of style. It’s the type of collision you could expect from a Muccia Prada or Tom Ford handbag", says Bobby Riley Creative Director/Principal at Soldier Design.
These shoes will be available at Concepts in Cambridge, MA sometime soon.
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